Why Join IACCP?
"Rendering Borders Obsolete was the motto of the 19th International Congress of IACCP in 2008. No continent or country, nor any epistemological approach must be converted into a fortress. The motto of the 2008 Bremen congress stands for an ever-increasing free exchange of ideas and people in IACCP and beyond."
Klaus Boehnke, Bremen, Germany
The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) was founded in 1972 and has a membership of over 800 persons in more than 65 countries. The aims of the Association are to facilitate communication among persons interested in a diverse range of issues involving the intersection of culture and psychology. IACCP is affiliated with the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS).
Membership in IACCP provides many benefits, including:
• Paper and online subscription to the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
• Reduced congress and conference registration fees
• Full access to the IAACP Online Directory
• Member privileges on the IACCP website (iaccp.org)
• Participation in the IACCP discussion list
• Possibility to apply for a grant
• Reduced fee for synchronous webinars and free access to most past webinars webinars
Your dues payments also support the work of the Association in promoting cross-cultural and cultural psychology, in particular:
• The Advanced Research Training Seminar (ARTS) program
• The Witkin-Okonji Travel Award for members from majority world nations
• The Triandis Award for outstanding dissertations
• Support for conferences of allied groups and organizations
• The eBook site Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (ORPC)
• Online publishing of congress books Consistent with traditional Association practice, dues are based on income.
Click here for New Member Application (Consider using Gmail and similar email services for registration, our communications tend to reach members easier that way)
Click here for dues information