Limerick Newsletter #5
Dear Colleagues,
Thedeadline for submissions for the 27th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) has been extended to 28 February.
Don’t miss the new deadline, submit your abstracts:
👉👉👉 👈👈👈
Kevin Durrheim joins IACCP as Keynote Speaker
Professor Kevin Durrheim has joined the list of keynote speakers for this year’s IACCP conference in Limerick, where he will talk about ‘The Culture of Racism in Psychological Science’.
Kevin Durrheim is Distinguished Professor in Psychology at the University of Johannesburg, where he heads the UJ Methods Lab, promoting open access to open science in Africa. He is an NRF A-rated scientist, with broad interests in the social psychology of intergroup relations, and a program of research related to racism, segregation and social change. His co-authored and co-edited books include The Routledge International Handbook of Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotyping (2021), Qualitative studies of Silence (2019), Race Trouble (2011) and Racial Encounter (2005).
The abstract of his talk:
We live in an age of resistance and rebellion, where the reach and violence of racism is being challenged by #blacklivesmatter and calls to decolonise society and the academy. Yet, white supremacy remains entrenched even while well-meaning, liberal, also progressive, leaders and institutions embrace anti-racism and seek to implement change. This paper considers how white supremacy continues to entrench itself at the most progressive edge psychological science: its criticism of WEIRD psychology and its efforts at stereotype and prejudice reduction and anti-racism. I use Mick Billig’s ideas about dialogical repression to show how, by focusing on these salubrious themes, psychological science cultivates “white ignorance”. It thus remains oblivious to the operations of power and racism with which it is implicated, and the role of societal elites in shaping the social order and the culture of racism. The analysis opens space, at the end, to entertain some radical thoughts about what’s to be done.
The List of Keynote Speakers at IACCP 2023 also includes:
Professor Orla Muldoon of the Department of Psychology at University of Limerick is a renowned social psychologist with a PhD from Queens University Belfast and advanced methods training from the University of Michigan.She has over 20 years of research experience and is a member of the Irish Research Council. Her research interests include social psychology, mental health, prejudice, discrimination, trauma, and power.
Dr. Gulnaz Anjum is an Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Oslo, Norway, and a renowned expert in the field of social inequalities and psychological vulnerabilities. Her research projects explore a wide range of topics, including cultural identities, climate change, migration, gender-based discrimination, and religious extremism. With a cross-disciplinary and intersectional approach, she has received numerous prestigious grants and awards from institutes such as Max Planck Institute, The British Academy, USAID, and International Development Research Centre.
Dr. Cláudio V. Torres, Professor at the University of Brasília, has a PhD in Psychology and extensive research experience in cross cultural psychology, human values, consumer psychology and cultural diversity & inclusion, Professor Torres will bring a wealth of knowledge to the conference.
Professor Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska is a renowned researcher in cultural psychology and psychology of religion. She works at the Jagiellonian University and SWPS and focuses her research on the acculturation of migrants, the role of religion in the cultural adaptation of refugees, religious experience, New Religious Movements, and clinical psychology of religion. With a wealth of experience in the field, she has also taught at the University of Rochester, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Uppsala University.
Don’t miss this chance to hear from some of the leading voices in the field – submit your abstract now!
Important dates for Abstract Submissions
December 15, 2022 Abstract Submissions Open
February 28th, 2023 Deadline for Abstract Submissions
March 31, 2023 Final Abstract Acceptance Result Notifications
(applicants will receive communication on the selection process within 2-3 weeks from application)
Other dates
February 20 – May 15, 2023: Early Bird Registrations Open
May 16 – August 1, 2023: Regular Registration
We recommend that presenters accepted to participate with their submission should register before the Early Bird Registration Deadline. This will guarantee your inclusion in the program.

Conference Streams
Submissions for Talks (oral presentations), Posters, or Symposia and Roundtable Discussions are welcomed under the following thematic streams:
- Sustainability Challenges from Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Environmental Psychology (behavioural change, attitudes towards nature, climate and the environment, climate change, collective action, cultural narratives, models for activism)
- Psychology of Migration and Minoritized Groups (acculturation, adaptation, culture shock, research with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, displacement trauma, social inclusion, tolerance, stereotypes; issues around migrant mental health, migrant health, intergroup processes: prejudice and discrimination; ethnicity, gender and sexuality, indigenous psychology)
- Intercultural Communication, Competencies and Application in Different Settings (international students, expatriation, educational and social settings, use of language, theory and teaching around intercultural or culturally sensitive topics, intercultural training)
- Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology (Work and organizational psychology, clinical and counseling psychology; culture, religion, traditions; work, business, organizations; media, communication, and propaganda)
- Developmental and Health Psychology (socialisation, life-span development, health psychology, trauma, psychopathology, health disorders and stress, psychotherapy, trauma, post-traumatic stress)
- Cognitive and Personality Psychology (Motivation, Emotion, Values, Identity, political attitudes, morality)
- Research Methodology and Data Analysis in Cross-Cultural Psychology (quantitative and qualitative methodology, ethics, novel methodological approaches, epistemology, data analysis; open science, cross-cultural validation and comparisons)
- Other topics
Conference motto:
Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.’
by Robert Boyce