Limerick Newsletter #11
Only a little over two months left until IACCP 2023! Get ready for an exciting conference experience. Regular registration is now open from 16 May to 1 August. Register now to secure your spot!
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February 20 – May 15, 2023: Early Bird Registrations Open
May 16 – August 1, 2023: Regular Registration

Right before the official start of the conference, we invite you to take part in our pre-conference workshops on July 31st and August 1st. We will be offering a variety of half-day and full-day workshops and invite you to use this incredible opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in cross-cultural research!
Below we briefly introduce two of our exciting pre-conference workshops and then we present a table with the schedule and event links for registration:

“The Cost Of Caring – Caring for the carers” – The consequences of supporting and caring and how to take care of ourselves
Facilitators: Manoela Lucena (One Housing & CoCreate Humanity) & Leticia Scheidt (University of Limerick)
Register here: 👇👇👇
Most professionals that support refugee and asylum-seeking populations of different cultural backgrounds are usually not trained to deal with such complex cases and can end up facing many difficulties. The common types of distress and responses to distress when caring for and supporting others are different types of stress such as acute, chronic and traumatic stress and, vicarious traumatisation, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, post-traumatic stress and burnout.
In this workshop we would like to tell you more about these responses to distress as well as talk to you about the common protective factors to deal with them. We will touch on topics such as psychological first-aid, peer support, organizational support, different types of self-care, coping skills such as grounding techniques and mindfulness.

Student Solidarity as Praxis
Facilitators: Tony Nelson (Kalamazoo College) Kaylee Henderson (Fund for Education Abroad) and Shahriar A. Tafti (Kalamazoo College)
Register here: 👇👇👇
Three collaborators will present their unique perspectives on ways to meaningfully engage with students as well as what things to avoid when developing and using student-centered approaches. While it’s admirable to want your teaching and/or organization to be and feel “student-centered,” we often stumble, miss the mark, and even end up doing the opposite of our goal. Over the past five years, Tony Nelson has attempted to bring his background in popular education and community organizing into practice at Kalamazoo College’s Center for International Programs (CIP). This workshop features Tony, one former Kalamazoo College student (Kaylee Henderson), and one current student (Shahriar Akhavan Tafti) – all currently working in the field of International Education in different capacities. Each will present their own ideas with supporting examples that emphasize how solidarity-based approaches to student advising and mentoring can work, then the facilitators will ask participants to use the solidarity framework to analyze very common and difficult situations we regularly encounter when working with students. Lastly, workshop attendees will have a chance to submit their own challenges and scenarios for the entire group to work through, enabling all to walk away with a fresh outlook and pragmatic tips to bring back to their own departments, communities, and families.
Workshop schedule and links to registration
31st July 10:00am – 1:00pm
“The Cost Of Caring – Caring for the carers” – The consequences of supporting and caring and how to take care of ourselves facilitated by Manoela Lucena, One Housing & CoCreate Humanity, and Leticia Scheidt, University of Limerick | |
Developing intercultural Competence: Strategies for University Students, Educators and Administrators facilitated by Diana M. Lizarazo Pereira; Anastasiia Zubareva and Aigerim Balkhashbayeva, University of Limerick | |
A Social Identity Model of Trauma and Resilience facilitated by Prof. Orla Muldoon, Dr. Sarah Jay and Dr. Aisling O’Donnell from the University of Limerick |
2:00 – 5:00pm
Social Interventions with Communities: from Design to Sustainability facilitated by Dr. Ronni Greenwood, University of Limerick | TBA |
All that we share: The Tell your own story (TYOS) project working to improve diversity in the media facilitated by Dr. Maria Rieder, Gail Flanagan, Dr. Anita Barmettler, Robyn Cunneen and Hadjer Bensadek from the University of Limerick | |
“Ukraine: who, where and why?” Cultural sensitivity in working with Ukrainian refugees facilitated by Prof. Dr. Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, and Dr. Anca Minescu and Liliyana Mbeve, University of Limerick | TBA |
Mapping attitudes as networks facilitated by Prof. Mike Quayle and Dr. Elaine Smith from the University of Limerick | |
Decolonizing Psychology facilitated by Dr. Susana Núñez Rodriguez, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
1st August 10:00am – 1:00pm
The importance of intercultural competence when fighting for social justice in the media facilitated by Mamobo Ogoro, University of Limerick and GORM, and Beatriz Gómez Moreno, GORM | |
Underrated effects of geographical location and population size in cross-cultural studies facilitated by Prof. Nino Javakhishvili, Ilia State University and Dr. Anca Minescu, University of Limerick | TBA |
10:00am – 1:00pm & 2:00 – 5:00pm
A Practical Guide to Cross-Cultural Comparisons and Measurement Invariance Using R facilitated by Dr. Johannes A. Karl, Dublin City University, and Dr. Pablo De Tezanos-Pinto, University of Limerick |
2:00 – 5:00pm
Student Solidarity as Praxis facilitated by Tony Nelson, Kalamazoo College, Kaylee Henderson, Fund for Education Abroad, and Shahriar A. Tafti, Kalamazoo College | |
Social Psychology of Climate Conflicts: How to Mediate and Resolve Climate Conflicts in Different Cultural Contexts? facilitated by Gulnaz Anjum and Nora C. G. Benningstad, University of Oslo |
Price information
3-hours-workshop: 100€ regular, 60€ for students
6-hours-workshop: 150€ regular, 120€ for students
This code of conduct applies to all participants, members of the Association, Officers, elected members, and any guests at IACCP-endorsed meetings or activities.
The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP, Inc.) aims to stimulate productive, enjoyable, and safe experiences at its conferences, Culture and Psychology Schools (CPS), and other professional events sponsored or represented by delegates of IACCP. We are dedicated to encouraging an environment of collegiality and mutual respect for all members, who represent diversity in nationality and ethnic background, sex, gender identity, affinity orientation, age, abilities, appearance, and religion. Attendance at an IACCP-sponsored meeting or activity, including any extracurricular activities that occur during IACCP-organized events, requires that all registered individuals and guests follow a code of conduct that stipulates that you will: (1) treat others with respect and (2) not engage in discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and/or abuse at these events or at any social activities associated with, or occurring during, these events.
IACCP discourages relationships that may create an appearance of impropriety. IACCP does not tolerate behaviors that threaten a person’s career or sense of safety. IACCP welcomes members to share observations, concerns, or experiences that were distasteful, unsettling, or inappropriate. IACCP affirms that it will take all concerns seriously.
Below we elaborate on some of the activities that are not tolerated at IACCP-endorsed meetings or activities, and the possible consequences of engaging in these actions.
These prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
- Intimidating, abusive, derogatory, or demeaning speech or actions
- Deliberate intimidation or stalking
- Unauthorized and unwanted photography or recording
- Use of social media to intimidate, abuse, or demean people
- Sustained disruption of talks or other events
- Inappropriate physical contact
- Unwelcome sexual attention
- Persistent and unwelcome solicitation of emotional or physical intimacy accompanied by real or implied threat of professional harm
- Real or implied threat of physical harm
- Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviours
Additionally, the IACCP opposes misconduct of a sexual nature between people in positions of authority, influence, power, or status (e.g., IACCP Officers, elected members, workshop leaders, etc.) with junior attendees including students. Such relationships should remain professional at all times during all IACCP events. Abuse and exploitations are not tolerated. The IACCP further acknowledges the harm to observers of many of these prohibited activities and the right of observers to file a complaint using the same procedures as the targets of them.
We also endorse the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations ( and the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists (
If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, if you witness or experience harassment, intimidation, or abuse, please report it as soon as possible. Your report can be made anonymously, however if the allegations are found to be clearly true your identity may be presented to the ombudsperson who will investigate the case.
Procedure for Code of Conduct Breaches at IACCP Events
The IACCP, Inc. (henceforth, IACCP) wants to ensure a collaborative, open, safe, equitable, and inclusive climate at all its meetings. A Code of Conduct has been formulated that communicates the values that we hold and expect to be upheld at our meetings. The procedures specified below address the handling of allegations of a breach of this Code. All persons attending IACCP-sponsored meetings promise to comply with the Code of Conduct.
The procedure to deal with violations is as follows:
- IACCP has a designated person (“ombudsperson”) to whom complaints can be expressed. The EC appoints a specific person for each international meeting (international conferences, Culture & Psychology schools, regional conferences); for other meetings and occasions complainants can contact the President or Secretary-General. The complaint can be a written statement by the complainant or a statement about the meeting with the ombudsperson that has been confirmed by the complainant.
- The complainant can remain anonymous, if requested.
- The ombudsperson discusses with complainant the next course of action. If the course of action does not go beyond lodging a complaint, the ombudsperson will open a file and keep secure the complaint. If the course of action requires further action, the ombudsperson may solicit written agreement from the complainant to pursue further investigation of the allegation. Upon written agreement, the ombudsperson will contact both the complainant and the assumed perpetrator. Note: If the complainant accuses another person of acute, harm or threat to person, immediately after the event law enforcement will be contacted.
- The ombudsperson makes a written report that is presented to both parties within four weeks after the event was reported. Both parties can provide their comments which will be included in the final report.
- The ombudsperson proposes action(s), which may be reconciliatory or punitive. Punitive actions would be presented in the form of a proposal to the President, President-Elect, Secretary Gen (Sec.-Gen), and Treasurer to exclude the assumed perpetrator from future conferences, discontinue membership of IACCP for a specified time, and/or inform the alleged perpetrator’s employer.
- The President and Sec-Gen carry out the agreed upon proposed action(s) by the Ombudsperson (if applicable).
- If an event is acute and presented on-site at a conference or meeting, identified as an immediate concern that may harm (have harmed) or pose a threat to the person, the Ombudsperson, in consultation with the President, President-Elect, Sec-Gen, and Treasurer may ask the local organizer of the event to deny access to the assumed perpetrator for the remainder of the event. A full report is needed, that can be written after the event.
- The final report by the Ombudsperson is confidential and is only accessible for the complainant, accused, President, President-Elect, Sec-Gen, and Treasurer. In case of a severe breach, the President, President-Elect, Sec-Gen, and Treasurer may also decide to inform the employer of the accused.
- After the final report is submitted, both the complainant and the accused may file an appeal against the report by the Ombudsperson. This report will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee of three people (from the EC).
Ombudspersons for the Limerick conference:
Sharon Glazer
WhatsApp: +1 (408) 768-0697
Klaus Boehnke
Mobile: +49-160-98375886
WhatsApp: +49-160-98375886

As early bird registration is now open, and with limited accommodation options, it’s important to start booking early. We highly recommend the Student Apartments on campus, which are only a 7-10 minute walk from the conference facilities and offer 4/6 bedroom apartments in beautiful riverside settings.
Each bedroom has a double (queen-sized) bed, an en-suite shower and toilet, and ample storage areas. Linen, towels, and mini toiletries are provided for guests. The shared living room and fully fitted kitchen.
The campus offers stunning parkland scenery, 24-hour security patrols, village launderettes, and various restaurants and bars. In addition, there are sports facilities, including a gym, running tracks, and a 50m pool. For 2023, we can offer ensuite bedrooms on campus for delegates at an approximate B&B rate of €65.00 pppn.
Evening meals on campus are available in standard catering outlets. For more great accommodation options, check out:
👉👉👉 👈👈👈
Don’t miss out on this amazing conference experience – register now and book your accommodation early!
For more information, please visit our website:
or follow our official Facebook page:
If you have any questions…
regarding travel, accommodation or registration,
please email
For every other question about the conference, you can contact the organizing committee by sending an email to
Conference motto:
Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.’
by Robert Boyce