Member Publications
Grandparents in Cultural Context
Author(s) David W. Shwalb & Ziarat Hossain
2018, Routledge
Grandparents in Cultural Context gives a long overdue global view of the changing roles of grandparents. The eleven main chapters are by experts in the Americas, Europe and Russia, Asia, and Africa and the Middle East, and the editors integrate their chapters with previous writings on grandparenthood. Rather than technical or statistical research reports, each…
View MoreRomantic Love in Cultural Contexts
Author(s) Victor Karandashev
2017, Springer
This volume presents a conceptual, historical, anthropological, and sociological review of how culture affects our experience and expression of romantic love. What is romantic love and how is it different from and similar to other kinds of love? How is romantic love related to sex and marriage in human history and across contemporary cultures? What…
View MoreThe Value of Shame: Exploring a Health Resource in Cultural Contexts
Author(s) Elisabeth Vanderheiden & Claude-Helene Mayer
2017, Springer
This volume combines empirical research-based and theoretical perspectives on shame in cultural contexts and from socio-culturally different perspectives, providing new insights and a more comprehensive cultural base for contemporary research and practice in the context of shame. It examines shame from a positive psychology perspective, from the angle of defining the concept as a psychological…
View MoreMuslim Minorities, Workplace Diversity and Reflexive HRM
Author(s) Jasmin Mahadevan, Claude-Hélène Mayer
2017, Routledge
Workplace diversity has become increasingly relevant to academics and practitioners alike. Often, this issue is tackled merely from a business-oriented/managerial point of view. Yet such a single-level perspective fails to acknowledge both the macro-societal context wherein companies and organizations act and the micro-individual dynamics by which individuals construct and affirm their identities in relation to…
View MoreThe Praeger Handbook of Personality across Cultures
Author(s) A. Timothy Church
2017, Praeger
The Praeger Handbook of Personality across Cultures represents the first extensive treatment of cross-cultural research on personality in a multi-volume book set, providing readers with a comprehensive and engaging handbook on the topic. Volume 1, titled Trait Psychology across Cultures, focuses on the cross-cultural study of personality dispositions or traits, including the extent to which…
View MoreThe Cultural Nature of Attachment: Contextualizing Relationships and Development
Author(s) Heidi Keller & Kim Bard
2017, Strüngmann Forum Reports
It is generally acknowledged that attachment relationships are important for infants and young children, but there is little clarity on what exactly constitutes such a relationship. Does it occur between two individuals (infant-mother or infant-father) or in an extended network? In the West, monotropic attachment appears to function as a secure foundation for infants, but…
View MoreEcology, Culture and Human Development: Lessons for Adivasi Education
Author(s) Ramesh Chandra Mishra & John W. Berry
2017, Sage
The key to the upliftment of the Adivasi community is a deep understanding of their culture, psychological resources and cognitive strengths. Ecology, Culture and Human Development: Lessons for Adivasi Education presents a comparative analysis of the cultural and cognitive dimensions of various communities in Canada, Ghana, China and India, and seeks answers from this analysis for Adivasi…
View MoreMutual Intercultural Relations
Author(s) John W. Berry (Ed.)
2017, Cambridge University Press
View MoreFundamentals of Research on Culture and Psychology: Theory and Methods
Author(s) Valery Chirkov
2016, Routledge
This is the first book that provides detailed guidelines of how to conduct multi-disciplinary research to study people’s behaviors in different cultures. Readers are encouraged to look beyond disciplinary boundaries to address issues between individuals and their socio-cultural environments so as to design the most effective studies possible. The core philosophical and theoretical assumptions that…
View MoreThe witch who lost her marbles
Author(s) Mayer
“The witch who lost her marbles” is the story about the extraterrestrian Ngululu who uses his home, the temple of adventures at Blalocee, to travel through time and space. One day, Ngululu jumps into his spaceship, spins around and lands in the middle of a hot, dry and vast desert. It is there, where he meets…
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