Conference Proceedings
Reims 2014 – Unity, Diversity and Culture

Author(s) C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.)
2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
| | ISBN 978-0-9845627-5-6 0-9845627-5-3
A peer-revieved book based on presentations at the XXII Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2014, Reims, France. Edited by Christine Roland-Lévy, Patrick Denoux, Benjamin Voyer, Pawel Boski, William Gabrenya and Ann Kristin Rhode, Jérémy Lemoine
(c) 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (ebook) ISBN978-0-9845627-5-6 0-9845627-5-3
Individual chapter citation format:
Author, F. M. (2016). Title of chapter. In C. Roland-Lévy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski & W. K. Gabrenya Jr. (Eds.), Unity, diversity and culture: Research and Scholarship Selected from the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (pp. nnn-nnn). Melbourne, Florida USA: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Accessed via
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Table of Contents
Authors (click on author to download as PDF) |
Title |
Table of Contents | |
Christine Roland-Lévy | Foreword (V/40Mb) |
Patrick Denoux | Preamble |
UNIT I: Theories and Methodologies | |
Section A: Diversity in Theories | |
Walter J. Lonner | On the Road to Half a Century of Cross-Cultural Psychology: Foundations, Current Status, and Forecasts (V/2Mb) |
Cigdem Kagitcibasi | From Diversity to Systematic Patterns and Integrative Syntheses: A Journey in Cross-Cultural Psychology (V/6Mb) |
Robert Serpell | Growing Awareness of Cultural Aspects of Psychology as a Resource for Managing Progressive Social Change (V/8Mb) |
Patricia M. Greenfield | Culture in Psychology: Then and Now (V/4Mb) |
John W. Berry | Culture + Behaviour + Comparison = Cross-Cultural Psychology (V/3Mb) |
Ype H. Poortinga | Why do Cultural Differences So Often Trump Cross- Cultural Invariance? (V/6Mb) |
Geert Hofstede, Mark F. Peterson | The Nationality of Theories |
Weijun Ma, Rui Feng, Rui Hu, Juzhe Xi, Edward Fox , Xia Ding | Toward the Theoretical Constructs of East Asian Cultural Psychology |
Section B: Methodological Issues | |
Rafaela de Quadros Rigoni | Benefits and Challenges of Qualitative Methodologies in Cross-cultural Psychology Studies |
Urmi Nanda Biswas, Karin Allard, Annika Härenstam, Anders Poussette | Cognitive Interview as an Effective Method in Cross-Cultural Research: A Study of Organizational Leaders in Sweden and India |
Daina Crafa, Saskia K. Nagel | Representing Human Cultural and Biological Diversity in Neuropsychiatry: Why and How |
UNIT II: Culture Contact: Unity and Diversity | |
Section A : Migrants and Migration | |
Medea Despotashvili | Determinants of Social Prejudice and Factors Influencing Perception of Immigrant Groups in Georgia |
Juliana Nunes-Reichel, Marie Santiago-Delefosse | The Experience of Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland: Challenges for Social and Professional Integration |
Isabelle Albert, Stephanie Barros Coimbra, Dieter Ferring | Intergenerational Family Relations in Luxembourg: Adult Children and their Ageing Parents in Migrant and Non-Migrant Families |
Regina Arant, Thomas Kühn, Klaus Boehnke | Who I am Depends on Where I Am: The Impact of a Sojourn on Home and Host Country Identity |
Section B: Majority / Minority Relationships | |
Part 1: Multiculturalist and Culturalist Policies | |
Kim H. Chuong, Saba Safdar | (De)Constructing Multiculturalism: A Discourse Analysis of Immigration and Refugee System in Canadian Media |
Elke Murdock, Dieter Ferring | Attitude toward Multiculturalism: Majority in the Minority Perspective |
Kenneth Rajan Leslie | Haidawood: A Social Media Approach to Indigenous Language Revitalization (V/41Mb) |
Part 2: Discrimination and Racism | |
Zeynep Balkaş, Zeynep Yanık, Elif Çelebi | Who is Responsible for the Conflict? The Role of Identification and Perception of Discrimination |
Christin-Melanie Vauclair, Sibila Marques, Maria Luísa Lima, Dominic Abrams, Hannah Swift, Christopher Bratt | How Does Income Inequality Get Under the Skin? The Mediating Role of Perceived Age Discrimination in the Inequality-Health Nexus for Older and Younger People |
Jyoti Verma | Reasons for the Deteriorating Relationship between the Local People of Mumbai and the Bihari Migrants |
Kaine Grigg, Lenore Manderson | The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Measuring Racism in Australia |
Section C: Coping With Diversity in Culture Contact | |
Part 1: Acculturation Orientations and Effects | |
Pascal Tisserant, Anne-Lorraine Wagner, Jaegon Jung, Richard Y. Bourhis | Acculturation Orientations towards ‘Valued’ and ‘Devalued’ Immigrants in South Korea |
Lexa Watroba, Jayne Eckley, Arlette Ngoubene-Atioky | A Critical Analysis of Acculturation, Sociocultural Pressures, Body Image, and Disordered Eating among Asian Immigrants in Australia, Canada, and the United States |
Camelia Ibrahim-Nassar | When Arab Girls Break the Rules: A Qualitative Study |
Part 2: Acculturation Strategies | |
Stephanie Barros Coimbra, Isabelle Albert, Dieter Ferring, Assaad Azzi | Acculturation Strategies of Young Immigrants Living in Belgium: The View of Young Belgian Nationals |
Maisonneuve Christelle, Taillandier-Schmitt Anne | The Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Empathy on the Perception and Prejudice towards Migrants: An Exploratory Study |
Part 3: Interculturation | |
Anna Bayard-Richez, Patrick Denoux, Julien Teyssier | Intercultural Competencies to Overcome Trauma |
Carmen Carmona, Karen I. Van der Zee, Jan Pieter Van Ouden-hoven, Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda | Intercultural Competences and Self-Identity as Key Factors to Adaptation |
Julien Teyssier, Patrick Denoux, Anna Bayard-Richez | Culture Contact and the Development of Intercultural Sensitivity |
Section D: Psychopathology Facing Culture Contact | |
Atefeh Fathi, Walter Renner, Barbara Juen | Effectiveness of Group Interventions for Depressed Iranian Migrants in Austria |
Eva Heim, Andreas Maercker | The Interplay Between Traditional and Modern Values and Interpersonal Variables in Mental Disorders and Mental Health |
Josefine Antoniades, Bianca Brijnat | Depression and Help Seeking in the Sri Lankan-Australian and Anglo-Australian Community: A Qualitative Exploration-Preliminary Findings |
Unit III: Diversity and Social Relations | |
Section A: Leadership, Work and Group Relations | |
Part 1: Cultural Differences at Work | |
Rishabh Rai, Anand Prakash | Role of Empowering Leadership in Absorptive Capacity through Outcome Interdependence: A Cultural Perspective |
Feng-Hsia Kao, Min-Ping Huang, Bor-Shiuan Cheng | Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese Management and Organizational Justice |
B. Mahembe, A.S. Engelbrecht, Z. Dannhauser | The Relationship between Servant Leadership, Affective Commitment: Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Team Effectiveness |
Mark F. Peterson, Taís S. Barreto, Peter B. Smith | Revised Sources of Guidance Measures: Six Events and Demographic Controls |
Santa Misra | Occupational Stress of Working Women in a Specific Culture |
Part 2: Diversity and Group Relations | |
Bai Lin, Bee Chin Ng | Cultural Perspectives on Ingroups versus Outgroups and Shame Experiences |
Marta Penczek-Zapala | How Do Acts of Penance Influence Intergroup Forgiveness? |
Büşra Tanrıverdi, Ayşe Radife Divleli, Elif Çelebi | Predictors of Support for Democratic Reform: Role of Intergroup Friendship, Perception of Discrimination and Identification |
Maja K. Schachner , Fons J. R. Van de Vijver, Alaina Brenick, Peter Noack | Who is Friends with Whom? Patterns of Inter- and Intraethnic Friendships of Mainstream and Immigrant Early Adolescents in Germany |
Section B: Variability of Values, Attitudes and Representations | |
Part 1: Values Impact and Variability | |
Miriam J. Schwarzenthal, Taciano L. Milfont | Suicide and Culture: Exploring Country-Level Relations between Suicide Rates and Dimensions of Cultural Variability |
Mandy Boehnke, Klaus Boehnke | Do Individual-level Value Preferences Impact Country-level Social Cohesion? An Exploratory Multi-level Analysis Based on ESS Data |
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Fons J. R. van de Vijver | Values and Migration Motives in Three Ethnic Groups in Indonesia |
Part 2: Differences in Attitudes and Representations | |
Dharshika Sabanathan, Jac Brown, Siraje Sekamanya, Michael Hough, Jeanna Sutton | Social Identity Complexity Theory: Attitudes Towards Diversity and Its Relationship with Nationalism, Religiosity, and Aggression |
Amirreza Talaei, Catherine T. Kwantes | Money Attitudes Among Iranians: A Test of Yamauchi and Templer’s Money Attitudes Scale |
Magali Clobert, Vassilis Saroglou, Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Wen-Li Soong | Outgroup Attitudes as a Function of East Asian Religiousness: Marked by High or Low Prejudice? |
Roberto Fasanelli, Anna Liguori, Ida Galli | A Similarity Graph-based Approach to Study Social Representations of the Economic Crisis: A Comparison between Italian and Greek Social Groups |
Unit IV: Development, Education and Family Among Cultures | |
Section A: Couples, Parenting and Emotions | |
Part 1: Couple Experiences | |
Trine Pless-Rasmussen | Bicultural Couples in China: Factors Related to their Adjustment |
Elena Zarubko, Victor Karandashev, Madgerie Jameson-Charles, Stephanie Hutcheson, Jane Carter | Sensory Experience in Interpersonal Physical Attraction: Cross-Cultural Comparison |
Part 2: Parenting Dealing with Culture(s) | |
Adeya Richmond , Laura D. Pittman | Parenting Practices, Racial Socialization, and Adolescent Functioning in African American Families |
Carmen Rodríguez-Naranjo, Antonio Caño | Family Climate and Adolescent Aggression: An Analysis of their Relationships |
M. Millau, M. Rivard, C. Mercier, C. Mello | Parenting Stress in Immigrant Families of Children With an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparison With Families From the Host Culture |
Marwan Dwairy | Multi-Factorial Measure of Parenting and Children’s Psychological Disorders: A Cross-Cultural Study |
Part 3: Cultural and Emotional Aspects of Parenthood | |
Manal Khoury Karayanni, Jenny Kurman | Culture, Emotional Expression and Parental Socialization Strategies among Two-year-old Israeli Toddlers |
Maria Kazmierczak, Agnieszka Nowak, Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Robin Goodwin | Polish Baby Boom in United Kingdom – Emotional Determinants of Medical Care Perception by Pregnant Poles in UK |
Section B: Child Development and Motherhood | |
Mirjam Weis, Gisela Trommsdorff, Tobias Heikamp, Jesus Redondo, Lorena Muñoz | Developmental Aspects of Self-Regulation in Germany and Chile: Links among Maternal Warmth, Children’s Self-Regulation, and Social Competence |
Megumi Kuwabara , Linda B. Smith | East vs. West – Developmentally Early Differences in Attention |
Kathleen Crowley | Understanding Uzbek Child Rearing as a Mediating Factor in the Government’s Reliance on Child Forced Labor During the Annual Cotton Harvest: A Pilot Project |
Julie Robinson | Can the Children of Immigrant Mothers Have Levels of Health and Achievement as High as Those of Children of Mothers in the Host Population? Longitudinal Data from Australia |
Mary Gauvain, Robert L. Munroe | Cultural Change, Human Activity, and Cognitive Development |
Section C: Education and Cross Cultural Differences | |
Laitonjam Valentina, Ritu Singh | An Analytical Study of Imphal Adolescents Guidance Needs Across Education Streams |
Hildegard Wenzler-Cremer | Dealing with Diversity: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Program Mentor Migration SALAM |
Annalene van Staden | Exploring the Quality and Inequality in the Literacy Development Opportunities of South African Preschoolers |
Claude-Helene Mayer, Antoni Barnard, Sabie Surtee | The “Recursive Cosmosis” Model: South African Women in Higher Education Finding Strength and Resilience |
Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese | Tolerance for Ambiguity as a Potential Barrier to Intercultural Interactions |
Ching-Yu Huang | Cross-cultural Differences in the Use of Disciplinary Methods among Chinese, Immigrant Chinese and English Mothers |
Unit V: Self and Culture | |
Section A: Self Relations Across Cultures | |
Radka Antalíková, Manuel L. de la Mata, Andrés Santamaría, Mercedes Cubero, Samuel Arias, Tia G. B. Hansen | Locating the Self in Autobiographical Memories: A New Approach to Analysis |
Takumi Watanabe, Ryosuke Sakurai, Kaori Karasawa | The Effects of Free Will Beliefs in Japan: Disbelief in Free Will Impairs Overriding Impulsive Decisions |
Ece Akca Nebi Sumer | The Quiet Ego and Its Predictors in Turkish Culture |
Diane Sunar, Özlem Çağın Tosun, Tuğçe Tokuş | Self-Blaming and Other-Blaming Moral Emotions Are Complementary: Two Studies in Turkish Culture |
Shinhwa Suh, Min Han, Joane Adeclas | A Comparative Study of Jajonshim and Self-Esteem |
Section B: Coping and Emotional Suppression | |
Kâmile Bahar Aydın, Eric Sandarg | Validity and Reliability of the Aydin-Flow Coping with Stress Scale (AFCSS) on Multiple Samples in the United States |
Tatiana Kryukova, Tatiana Gushchina, Olga Ekimchik | Сulture, Stress and Coping: Socio-Cultural Context Influence on Coping Types among Russians |
Snežana Stupar-Rutenfrans, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Johnny R. J. Fontaine | Self- and Other-Oriented Motivations Associated with Emotional Suppression of Internalized and Externalized Negative Emotions: A Multiethnic Self-Report Study in the Netherlands |
Snežana Stupar-Rutenfrans, Johnny R. J. Fontaine, Fons J. R. van de Vijver | Interethnic Similarity of Anger Suppression-Aggression Association in Conflicts in Intimate and Non-Intimate Relationships Across Ethnic Groups in the Netherlands |
Section C: Well Being | |
Mohd. Dahlan Hj. A. Malek, Ida Shafinaz Mohd | A Cross-Cultural Study of Psychological Well-being Among British and Malaysian Fire Fighters |
Daniela Hekiert, Saba Safdar, Paweł Boski, Kuba Krys, J. Rees Lewis | Culture Display Rules of Smiling and Personal Well-being: Mutually Reinforcing or Compensatory Phenomena? Polish - Canadian Comparisons |
Annisa Reginasari, Uly Gusniarti | Subjective Well-being from the Perspective of Self-Compassion in Adolescents |