Member Publications
The Praeger Handbook of Personality across Cultures

Author(s) A. Timothy Church
2017, Praeger
Tags Personality
Price USD 243 | Pages 999 | ISBN 978-1-4408-4103-3 (set of 3 volumes)
The Praeger Handbook of Personality across Cultures represents the first extensive treatment of cross-cultural research on personality in a multi-volume book set, providing readers with a comprehensive and engaging handbook on the topic.
Volume 1, titled Trait Psychology across Cultures, focuses on the cross-cultural study of personality dispositions or traits, including the extent to which personality trait structure is universal or unique across cultures; the accuracy or meaningfulness of trait comparisons across cultures; trait consistency and validity; the situations across which traits are manifested; and methodological issues dealing with bias and equivalence in cross-cultural personality research and measurement.
Volume 2, titled Culture and Characteristic Adaptations, focuses on the relationship between culture and other important aspects of personality‚-including the self, emotions, motives, beliefs, and life narratives‚-and aspects of personality and adjustment associated with bilingualism/biculturalism and intercultural competence.
Volume 3, titled Evolutionary, Ecological, and Cultural Contexts of Personality, focuses on evolutionary, genetic, and neuroscience perspectives on personality across cultures, and ecological and cultural influences and dimensions.
In addition to providing readers with a thorough picture of current and future directions for research on these topics, the work can advance scholarship in the field by bringing the multiple perspectives on personality across cultures to the attention of the diverse researchers and students in the field‚-as well as to a wider audience‚-with the goal of promoting the emergence of more integrative frameworks or perspectives.