Conference Proceedings
Melbourne 2010 – Steering the Cultural Dynamics

Table of Contents
Editors | Introduction |
Daphne Keats | A Psycho-Cultural Program of Research to Assist Children Affected by the Sichuan Earthquake, China, 12 May, 2008 |
Daphne Keats & Shuguang Wang | The Background to the Research: Cultural, Theoretical and Methodological Issues |
S. Chai, Xian Gui Yang, & Shuguang Wang | A Qiang Perspective on Promoting the Rehabilitation of Children Affected by the Earthquake |
Shuguang Wang, Daphne Keats, Melissa Gao, S. Zhang, Xian Gui Yang, & S. Chai | Situational Analysis from Two Studies Facilitating the Development of a Psycho-Cultural Rehabilitation Program for Children Affected by the 12 May 2008 Earthquake in Sichuan, China |
Melissa Gao, Daphne Keats, & Shuguang Wang | Building a Culturally Appropriate Intervention Program to Assist Children’s Rehabilitation after the Sichuan Earthquake of 12 May, 2008 |
Carolin Demuth | Ensuring Rigor in Qualitative Research within the field of Cross-Cultural Psychology |
Erminia Colucci | Arts-Based Research in Cultural Mental Health |
Annamaria Lammel, Elisa Guillen Gutierrez, Emilie Dugas, & Frank Jamet | Cultural and Environmental Changes: Cognitive Adaptation to Global Warming |
Wustari L. H. Mangundjaya | Is There Cultural Change In The National Cultures Of Indonesia? |
Zanzini B. Ndhlovu | Does Importing of Everyday Mathematics to the Classroom Guarantee better Mathematics Learning? Lessons from a Study of Ngoni/Tumbuka Learners in Zambia |
Li Qu, Joel J. W. Low, Pei Shan Chong, Dawn W. L. Lim, & Keren-Happuch F. F. E. | Task Switching in English-Chinese Bilinguals: A Life Span Approach |
Li Qu, Pinxiu Shen, and Fan Qianqian | Development of Theory of Mind in English-speaking Chinese Singaporean Preschoolers |
Martin E. Morf | A Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpretations of Cause, Will, and Free Will |
Lin Xiong & Kosmas X. Smyrnios | Social, Cultural, and Environmental Drivers of International Students’ Fear of Crime: A Cognitive Behavioral Perspective |
Erminia Colucci & Harry Minas | Attitudes towards Youth Suicide: A Comparison Between Italian, Indian and Australian Students |
Ai Fukuzawa & Susumu Yamaguchi | Relation between Self-Esteem Instability and Expectation and Motivation after Failure among Japanese University Students |
Preeti Kapur and Girishwar Misra | Transmission and Regeneration of Sikh Self: Culture in the Making |
Maja Schachner, Toby Robertson, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Friedrich Funke, & Dorota Brzezinska | Does Tolerance Reflect a more Inclusive Self-Construal? A Comparison of Poland, East and West Germany |
Alfred Presbitero | The Relationship Between Collectivism and Climate: A Review of the Literature |
Li Qu, Lin Shuhui Audrey, Low Pei Jun, & Ng Hui Qun | The Impact of Social Context on Preschoolers’ Flexibility |
Jitendra Kumar Singh & Girishwar Misra | A Psycholexical Study of Personality Trait Structure of Hindi Speaking Indians |
Lan Yang & David Watkins | The Effectiveness of Two Treatments to Enhance Academic Self-Concept among Low-Achieving Secondary School Students in China |
Francesco Arcidiacono & Antonio Bova | Argumentation among Family Members in Italy and Switzerland: A Cross-Cultural Perspective |
Erich Hölter | Time Horizon in German Management: Goal-Orientated Helix |
R Zirwatul Aida R Ibrahim & Keis Ohtsuka | Worker Wellbeing in Malaysia: Prediction of Wellbeing from Psychosocial Work Environment, Organizational Justice and Work Family Conflict |
E. S. Jaya & W. L. Mangundjaya | Relationship between Leader-Member Exchanges with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour |
Kostas Mylonas, Adrian Furnham, Emmanouil Konstantinidis, Sofia Papazoglou, William Divale, Cigdem Leblebici, Sonia Gondim, Angela Moniz, Hector Grad, Jose Luis Alvaro, Romeo Zeno Cretu, Anna Filus, & Pawel Boski | The Explanations for Unemployment Scale: An Eight-Country Study on Factor Equivalence |
Trishita C. Mathew, Richard E. Hicks, & Mark Bahr | Work Motivation, Personality, and Culture: Comparing Australia and India |
Yoshi Kashima, Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin, 2011 | Report of the XX International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology |