Conference Proceedings
Bremen 2008 – Rendering Borders Obsolete: Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor

Author(s) Franziska Deutsch, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen & Klaus Boehnke
| | ISBN 978-0-9845627-2-5
Table of Contents
Chap. | Authors (click on author to download as PDF) | Title |
1 | Franziska Deutsch, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen, & Klaus Boehnke | Can Happiness Change? An interdisciplinary, Multi-method Integration of the Dynamics of Happiness |
2 | Elaine Hatfield & Richard L. Rapson | Culture and Passionate Love |
3 | Marianna Argiropoulou, Vassilis Pavlopoulos & Karen Quek | Conflict Patterns Among Greek Couples: The Role of Values, Self-disclosure, and Relationship Satisfaction |
4 | Sofia Rivera-Aragon, Rolando Diaz-Loving, Pedro Wolfgang Velasco-Matus & Nancy Montero-Santamaria | Jealousy and Infidelity among Mexican Couples |
5 | Paul G. Schmitz & John W. Berry | Structure of Acculturation Attitudes and Their Relationships with Personality and Psychological Adaptation: A Study with Immigrant and National Samples in Germany |
6 | Jyoti Verma | Host Acculturation Orientation: Some Preliminary Impressions of the French Students on Ethnic Minority Groups in Montpellier, S. France |
7 | Le Nhat Tran | Vietnamese Students Abroad: A Research Framework |
8 | Wing Sze Leung & Shue Ying Ting | Those Wonderful People Across the Sea: Positive Out-group Bias by Caucasians Toward Asians |
9 | Aksel Kirch, Tarmo Tuisk & Hanna-Hulda Reinkort | Estonians and Russians in Contemporary Estonia: Is the Soviet Past Still Dominating the Present? |
10 | Shulamith Kreitler | Meaning Correlates of Value Orientations |
11 | Kostas Mylonas, Aikaterini Gari, Penny Panagiotopoulou, Elli Georgiadi, Velichko Valchev, Sofia Papazoglou & Mariana Brkich | Bias in Terms of Culture: Work Values Country-clustering for 33 European Countries and Person-job Fit Factor Equivalence Testing for Four European Countries |
12 | Erika Spieß & Christina Stroppa | Social Support Networks on International Assignments |
13 | Nandita Babu | Theory of Find Understanding in Narration: A Study among Children from Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds in India |
14 | Penny Holding, Amina Abubakar, Elizabeth Obiero, Anneloes Van Baar & Fons J. R. Van de Vijver | Validation of the Infant-Toddler HOME Inventory among Households in Low Income Communities at the Kenyan Coast |
15 | Diana Boer & Ronald Fischer | The Functions of Music-listening Across Cultures: The Development of a Scale Measuring Personal, Social and Cultural Functions of Music |
16 | Jenny Lukito Setiawan | The Xignificance of Positive Perceptions of Counseling in Willingness to Seek Counseling Help: An Indonesian Study |
17 | Randall Osborne, Paul Kriese, & John Davis | It Can Be Taught: Explorations into Teaching the Foundations for Multicultural Effectiveness |