Conference Proceedings
Spetses 2006 – Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus’ Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research

Table of Contents
Chap. | Authors (click on author to download as PDF) | Title |
Table of Contents (book) | ||
2 | Editors | Introduction and Overview |
3 | Shalom H. Schwartz | Causes of Culture: National Differences in Cultural Embeddedness |
4 | Gustav Jahoda | Reflections on Two of Our Early Ancestors |
5 | Heidi Keller | Cultures of Infancy. The Foundation of Developmental Pathways |
6 | John Adamopoulos | From Homer to the 21st Century: Charting the Emergence of the Structure of Interpersonal Meaning |
7 | Rolando Diaz-Loving & Ignacio Lozano | Rogelio Díaz-Guerrero: A Legacy of Psychological Creation and Research |
8 | John W. Berry & Walter J. Lonner | The IACCP Archives Project |
9 | John G. Adair, Yoshi Kashima, Maria Regina Maluf & Janak Pandey | Beyond Indigenization: International Dissemination of Research by Majority-World Psychologists |
10 | William K. Gabrenya Jr., Nathalie van Meurs & Ronald Fischer | YouTube, the Internet and IACCP: Opportunities and Challenges for Cross-Cultural Psychology |
11 | Verónica Benet-Martínez & Fiona Lee | Exploring the Consequences of Biculturalism: Cognitive Complexity |
12 | Annamária Lammel & Eduardo Márquez | Comparative Study on Concept Construction for Violence, Intelligence and Religion in Early Adolescence in the Parisian Suburbs |
13 | Sylvie Chokron, Seta Kazandjian & Maria De Agostini | Effects of Reading Direction on Visuospatial Organization: A Critical Review |
14 | Pierre R. Dasen, Nilima Changkakoti, Milena Abbiati, Shanta Niraula, Ramesh C. Mishra & Harold Foy | Geocentric Gestures as a Research Tool |
15 | Olivier Le Guen | Geocentric Gestural Deixis among Yucatec Maya (Quintana Roo, México) |
16 | Ronald Fischer, Johnny R. J. Fontaine, Fons J. R. van de Vijver & Dianne A. van Hemert | An Examination of Acquiescent Response Styles in Cross-Cultural Research |
17 | Tobias K. Van Dijk, Femke Datema, Anne-Lieke J. H. F. Piggen, Stephanie C. M. Welten & Fons J. R. Van de Vijver | Acquiescence and Extremity in Cross-National Surveys: Domain Dependence and Country-Level Correlates |
18 | Kostas Mylonas | Reducing Bias in Cross-Cultural Factor Analysis through a Statistical Technique for Metric Adjustment: Factor Solutions for Quintets and Quartets of Countries |
19 | Amina Abubakar, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Anneloes van Baar, Patricia Kitsao-Wekulo & Penny Holding | Enhancing Psychological Assessment in Sub-Saharan Africa through Participant Consultation |
20 | Wenshu Luo & David Watkins | Relating Self-Complexity to Coping and Adaptation with Chinese College Students: A New Measurement Perspective |
21 | Sipko E. Huismans & Wijbrandt H. van Schuur | Taking Advantage of the Circular Structure of Human Values |
22 | Roger B. Sages & Jonas Lundsten | Meaning Constitution Analysis: A Phenomenological Approach to Research in Human Sciences |
23 | Tejinder K. Billing et al. | Temporal Orientation and its Relationships with Organizationally Valued Outcomes: Results from a 14 Country Investigation |
24 | Isabelle Albert, Gisela Trommsdorff & Lieke Wisnubrata | Intergenerational Transmission of Values in Different Cultural Contexts: A Study in Germany and Indonesia |
25 | Aikaterini Gari, Kostas Mylonas & Penny Panagiotopoulou | Dimensions of Social Axioms and Alternative Country-Clustering Methods |
26 | Alice Ramos & Jorge Vala | Predicting Opposition towards Immigration: Economic Resources, Social Resources and Moral Principles |
27 | Félix Neto | Are Attitudes of Young Portuguese towards Immigration also Hardening? A Comparison between 1999 and 2006 |
28 | Edison Trickett, Irena Persky & Susan Ryerson Espino | Acculturation Research: Proxies as Sources of Concept Obfuscation |
29 | Velichko Valchev & Fons J. R. van de Vijver | National and European Identities of Bulgarian and Dutch Students |
30 | Rashmi Singla | South Asians in Scandinavia: Diasporic Identity Processes |
31 | Ulrich Kühnen | Culture, Self-construal and Social Cognition: Evidence from Cross-Cultural and Priming Studies |
32 | Howard B. Kaplan, Rachel E. Kaplan & Diane S. Kaplan | Subcultural Influences on Self-attitudes: The Expression of Low Self-esteem in Race/ethnicity-, Age-, Gender-, Social class-, and Generation-differentiated Subgroups |
33 | Andrew C. H. Szeto, Richard M. Sorrentino, Satoru Yasunaga, Yasunao Otsubo & John Nezlek | Uncertainty Orientation: A Theory of Self-Regulation Within and Across Cultures as Related to Cognition |
34 | Claudia López Becerra, Isabel Reyes Lagunes & Sofia Rivera Aragón | Strategies of Friendship Maintenance in Mexico: Gender Differences |
35 | Zuzanna Wisniewska & Pawel Boski | Cultural Conception of Friendship: What do Ecuadorians and Poles Expect from a Friend? |
36 | Gregory T. Smith, Nichea S. Spillane & Agnes M. Stairs | An Emerging Integration of Universal and Culturally Specific Psychologies and its Implications for the Study of Psychopathology |
37 | Richard N. Roberts | Early Childhood Services and Supports in the Context of Cultural Community Psychology |
38 | Eric S. Mankowski, Gino Galvez & Nancy Glass | Research and Action on Intimate Partner Violence: Interdisciplinary Convergence of Cultural Community Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology |
39 | Vassos Gavriel | Developing Social Policy in a Multi-Cultural Setting: the Role of Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology |
40 | Penny Panagiotopoulou, Aikaterini Gari & Sophia Christakopoulou | Dimensions of Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Study in European Neighborhoods |
41 | Genevieve F. Nelson, Jasmine Green, Dennis M. McInerney, Martin Dowson & Andrew C. Schauble | Education in Cross-Cultural Settings: Psychological Underpinnings of Achievement in Papua New Guinea |
42 | Thomas Demaria & Minna Barrett | Innovative Disaster Counseling Approaches with Children and Youth |