Diversity and leadership

Author(s) Ean Lau Chin & Joseph E. Trimble

2014, Sage

Although leadership theories have evolved to reflect changing social contexts, they remain silent on issues of equity, diversity, and social justice. Diversity and Leadership offers a new paradigm for examining leadership by bringing together two domains‚-research on leadership and research on diversity‚-to challenge existing notions of leadership and move toward a diverse and global view of society…

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The Oxford Handbook of Multicultural Identity

Author(s) Veronica Benet-Martinez & Ying-Yi Hong

2014, Oxford

The volume addresses some important basic issues, such as measurement of multicultural identity, links between multilingualism and multiculturalism, the social psychology of multiculturalism and globalization, as well as applied issues such as multiculturalism in counseling, education, policy, marketing and organizational science, to mention a few. See Attachment section on this page to download the flyer…

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Global Perspectives on Well-Being in Immigrant Families

Author(s) Rodosveta Dimitrova, Michael Bender, & Fons van de Vijver (Eds.)

2014, Springer

From the Back Cover Global Perspectives on Well-Being in Immigrant Families stands apart from current edited books by focusing mainly on immigrants coming to countries other than the United States, and on the experiences of children, adolescents, and young adults. Its international panel of experts addresses the complexities of acculturation in individual and family contexts, and…

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The Autobiographical Self in Time and Culture

Author(s) Wang, Qi

2013, Oxford

In this volume, Qi Wang traces the developmental, social, cultural, and historical origins of the autobiographical self – the self that is made of memories of the personal past and of the family and the community. Wang combines rigorous research, sensitive survey of real memories and memory conversations, and fascinating personal anecdotes into a state-of-the-art…

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Cooperation, Community, and Co-Ops in a Global Era

Author(s) Carl Ratner

2012, Springer

Human history is largely the story of communities, punctuated by examples of cooperatives–in fact, our level of cooperative behavior is one of the attributes that makes us most human. In recent years, however, concepts such as rugged individualism and social Darwinism have competed against cooperative ideas for supremacy, and today’s climate of global economic crisis…

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Fathers in Cultural Context

Author(s) David W. Shwalb, Barbara J. Shwalb, & Michael E. Lamb

2012, New York: Routledge

  Table of Contents List of Figures and Tables x   List of Contributors xii   Foreword xiv Joseph H. Pleck   Preface xx David W. Shwalb, Barbara J. Shwalb, and Michael E. Lamb Part One: Introduction  Chapter 1:  Introduction 3 David W. Shwalb, Barbara J. Shwalb, and Michael E. Lamb Part Two: Asia  …

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Social Psychology, Canadian Edition

Author(s) Catherine Sanderson, & Saba Safdar

2012, Wiley

Social Psychology 1st Canadian Edition is the first social psychology textbook written specifically to address the discipline of social psychology as it exists today. A global context and cross-cultural content have been woven into the fabric of the text illustrating to Canadian students that understanding culture is key to understanding social behavior. Paired with strong neuroscience…

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Intercountry Adoption: Policies, Practices, and Outcomes

Author(s) Judith L. Gibbons, & Karen Smith Rotabi

2012, Ashgate

  From the publisher website: Intercountry adoption represents a significant component of international migration; in recent years, up to 45,000 children have crossed borders annually as part of the intercountry adoption boom. Proponents have touted intercountry adoption as a natural intervention for promoting child welfare. However, in cases of fraud and economic incentives, intercountry adoption…

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Spirituality and Indian psychology: Lessons from the Bhagavad-Gita

Author(s) Dharm P. S. Bhawuk

2011, Springer

From the Back Cover In recent years, globalization, multiculturalism, and Western interest in Eastern thought have contributed to the growth of cross-cultural psychology. Paradoxically, however, while spirituality plays such a major role in non-Western cultures, it tends to occupy only a minor area of cross-cultural research. Its roots in ancient philosophical texts such as the…

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The meaning of sense of coherence in transcultural management: A salutogenetic perspective on interactions in a selected South African business organisation

Author(s) Claude Helene-Mayer

2011, Waxman

Managers are confronted with numerous challenging situations in their work life. Managing diverse interactions professionally has become a ubiquitous requirement of current working conditions in transcultural management, whilst remaining healthy at the same time.  This study contributes to the theoretical debate on managerial sense of coherence, identity, organisational culture and transcultural conflict (management) in international…

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