Bali 2024 – Globalization in Context
Author(s) Ayu Okvitawanli, Wolfgang Friedlmeier, and Rachana Bhangaokar
2024, IACCP
The Proceedings are divided into two parts: Part 1 presents the links to the recorded keynotes and the book of abstracts of the XXVII Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2024. Part 2 will consist of the submitted individual papers for publication in the proceedings and will be added later. Link to the…
View MoreYear of the Golden Jubilee: Culture Change in the Past, Present and Future
Author(s) Emma E. Buchtel and Wolfgang Friedlmeier
2023, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Part 1 of the IACCP Proceedings contains the abstracts and links to the recordings of the XXVI Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2022.
View MoreAuthor(s) Pawel Boski
20240228, Cambridge Core
Cultural Psychology and Acculturation Summary This Element offers a new theoretical model of acculturation within the general framework of cultural psychology. It is divided into four sections. First, cross-cultural and cultural orientations are contrasted. The psychology of economic migration (EARN), separate from the psychology of acculturation (LEARN), is the theme of the next section. Berry’s…
View MoreAuthor(s) Susan B. Goldstein
20220421, Cambridge University Press
Summary Over the past three decades, the population of international students throughout the world has steadily increased. Although university students choose to study in locations other than their home country for a variety of reasons, including professional development and disciplinary training, nearly all education abroad programs have intercultural learning as a central goal. In this…
View MoreNon-Western Identity
Author(s) Byron G. Adams, Fons J. R. van de Vijver
2021, Springer
Advances research on key aspects and themes related to identity in non-Western contexts Examines identity throughout different life stages, such as adolescents, youth, emerging adults, and adults Considers new and adapted perspectives on established theoretical frameworks
View MoreConcept and Method in Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology
Author(s) Ype H. Poortinga
20211008, Cambridge University Press
Ype H. Poortinga: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 October 2021 Summary An overview is given of cross-cultural psychology and cultural psychology, focusing on theory and methodology. In Section 1 historical developments in research are traced; it is found that initially extensive psychological differences tend…
View MoreTrust and Trustworthiness across Cultures
Author(s) Kwantes, Catherine, Kuo, Ben C.H. (Eds.)
2020, Springer
Implications for Societies and Workplaces Editors: Kwantes, Catherine, Kuo, Ben C.H. (Eds.) This book investigates trust in seven different cultural contexts, exploring how societal culture can influence our expectations regarding what may be considered trustworthy within a cultural context. Although the definition of trustworthiness is clear, how it is operationalized and applied in various cultural…
View MoreMethods and Assessment in Culture and Psychology
Edited by Michael Bender and Byron Adams Significant advancements in methodologies and statistical techniques in cross-cultural psychological research abound, but general practice, education, and most researchers in psychology rarely use them. This leads to misinterpretations, misrepresentations, and prejudice. The authors expertly demonstrate the importance of methodological rigor to safeguard appropriate inferences about similarities and…
View MoreIntercultural Politeness. Managing Relations across Cultures. Helen Spencer-Oatey and Dániel Z. Kádár
Draws together concepts & theories in politeness theory and intercultural communication/psychology to analyse the process of relating across cultures Provides a robust model for analysing intercultural interaction from a relational perspective Designed with reader-friendly features, such as detailed concept boxes, research reports, experiential examples, and exercises The book has the following main sections: Conceptual foundations…
View MoreCulture Conscious: Briefings in Culture, Cognition, and Behavior
Is the World Becoming More Individualistic? Are the Twos Terrible Everywhere? Can a Westerner Think Like an East Asian? What Happens When a Foreigner Adopts an Anglo Name? The book is designed primarily as a supplemental text for lower-level courses in Psychology, as a way for instructors to inject a (much needed) cross-cultural perspective…
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