Guidelines for Regional Representatives

Prepared by Kimberly Noels, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Welcome to the Executive Council of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).  The purpose of this document is to provide information about what a regional representative is and the duties and expectations of regional representatives.  Additional information on the organization of IACCP and the functions of the Executive Council is available in the IACCP Constitution, which is available online at  Other members of the Executive Council would also be pleased to answer any questions about this position that you might have.

What is a Regional Representative?

Regional representatives help to ensure that the perspectives from different areas of the world are presented at Council and Association meetings, and that the proceedings of the Council and Association are conveyed back to the members in the various regions  They are full members of the Executive Council; they have both voice and vote in all proceedings of the Executive Council.  Regional representatives hold office for four years.  Half of the representatives are elected every two years on a rotation basis.  They may serve no more than two consecutive terms, but may subsequently be re-elected (IACCP Constitution, Bylaws, Sec. 7.4)

Who Are the Regional Representatives?

According to the Constitution (Bylaws, Sec. 9),

The ten geographic regions for the purpose of determining regional representation on the Council are as follows:  (1) Europe; (2) North Africa and Middle East; (3) Central and Southern Africa; (4) South Asian' (5) South East Asia; (6) East Asia; (7) Insular Pacific; (8) North America; (9) Mexico, Central American and the Caribbean; and (10) South America.  Any ambiguities regarding countries (particularly border countries) included in given regions shall be resolved by the Standing Committee on Elections, normally following the rule of usual cultural classification and/or geographical proximity.  There shall be one representative from each region, except that for Europe and North America there shall be two representatives from each region.  In Europe and North America, the two representatives shall be from different countries.

The current regional representatives can be found on the IACCP web site and in the Bulletin inside back cover.

What are the Duties of the Regional Representatives?

According to the Constitution (Bylaws, Sec. 6.7).

The Regional Representatives shall be responsible for promoting the work of the Association in their respective regions; shall act as liaison between the Council and the organizers of all IACCP-sponsored conferences in the region; shall serve on the Program Committee for all IACCP sponsored conferences in the Region; and, may present reports to the Bulletin and/or General Meeting on activities in their Region.

There are several other expectations of regional representatives:

1. Regional representatives are expected to be involved in the adjudication of doctoral dissertations for the Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award.  Applicants will submit extended abstracts to the Deputy Secretary.  The Deputy Secretary will then distribute these abstracts to all regional representatives for review.  The top three-ranked applicants will be invited to submit complete copies of their theses, which will then be adjudicated by all regional representatives.

2. Regional representatives are expected to attend all IACCP Congresses held during their office, as well as any regional conferences that may be held in their region during their office.

3. Regional representatives are expected to attend all meetings of the Executive Council held during the IACCP Congress.  At that time they will submit to the Executive Council a report on regional activities and programming for the future.  Notice of the date and time of this meeting will be given at least 60 days prior to the meeting.  The Council may decide to hold meetings at other times; regional representatives are expected to attend these meetings (see the Constitution, pp. 6-7).

On an applied level, it is not always evident how the duties of the representatives as described in the Constitution can be carried out.  The following ideas may be helpful you in this regard.  They are meant only as suggestions, and we encourage your creative efforts in promoting the work of the Association and in acting as a liaision between regional members, organizations, and associations and the IACCP.

1. The promotion of IACCP can take many forms.  For instance, IACCP brochures could be distributed to participants at national conferences or other conferences held in the region which individuals interested in cross-cultural psychology might attend.  They might also be distributed to Psychology and other relevant departments at universities in the region.

2. Regional websites and contributions to the Bulletin can provide information about local activities, both of individual IACCP members and of national organizations; ongoing research and opportunities for collaboration; employment opportunities; local conferences of interest to cross-cultural psychologists, and so on.  It is anticipated that each representative will write one report for the Bulletin during his/her term of office.

3. Regional conferences, workshops and other types of scholarly meetings can be arranged.  Such meetings might be organized jointly with regional, national or specific interest organizations or associations that have similar aims.  It should be noted that these kinds  of events must be approved by the Council before it takes place.