Culture & Psychology School Convenes in Japanese Alps

The 2016 IACCP Culture & Psychology School convened in the mountains north of Nagoya for three and a half days of intense instruction and discussion of theory and methods. The school was organized by Ron Fischer with the help of a committee appointed by IACCP and featured three prominent culturalists as instructors: Matt Easterbrook, University of Sussex, UK; Nicolas Geeraert, University of Essex, UK; and Christine Legare, University of Texas, USA. Content streams for the school included Cognition in cultural context, The self and social inequality, Acculturation & intercultural contact. Methods streams included “From ethnography to experiments and back again”, Multilevel modelling, Longitudinal methods. 

The school was held at a traditional Japanese conference center in the hills overlooking the town of Nakatsugawa. Students and faculty had the opportunity to practice Japanese customs for sleeping, bathing, eating, and proper folding of futons…

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