Triandis Dissertation Award – Apply Now
Please submit applications for the Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award, to be given at the 2014 Congress of IACCP in Reims, France. Click here to see information about the award, the application procedure, and a list of previous winners. Deadline: October 31, 2013 Send your application and inquiries to: Dr. David Sam, Deputy…
Read MorePhD Summer School in Reims
The curriculum, costs, and schedule for the Summer School have been finalized. Click here for details.
Read MoreCall for Submissions: Award for Early Career Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology
Applications are due November 15, 2013. Early career researchers‚Äô contributions are critical for the health and growth of cross-cultural psychology. Their research inspires not only more established researchers, but also sets a standard of excellence and provides examples for aspiring researchers. An Award for Early Career Contributions to Cross-Cultural Psychology has been established to honor…
Read More2013 IACCP Regional Conference – Los Angeles
The 2013 IACCP Regional Conference will take place in Los Angeles June 20 – 22. For information, see the conference listing on this website and the conference website at:
Read MoreResults of the 2010 Election
The 2010 election of officers and regional representatives is completed. The Executive Council decided in its 2008 Bremen meeting to move up the date of elections and announce the results as soon as possible so new EC members would be able to make plans to attend the two-day EC meeting the precedes each congress. We…
Read MoreNew Journal Launched – Culture and Brain
Shihui Han of Peking University (韩世辉, 北京大学心理系) will be the editor. For details see:
Read MoreHandbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2nd ed.) ONLINE
The Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2nd edition) is now online at Google Books. This edition was published in 1997 and had been out of print for a while. As a service to the scientific community, the editors have arranged to make it available online. Google Books provides full text search, which means that you can…
Read MoreSoutheastern Europe Looking Ahead: Paradigms, Schools, Needs and Achievements of Psychology in the SEE Region
South-East European Regional Conference of Psychology 2009 (SEERCP2009), Sofia, Bulgaria SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY 2009 Southeastern Europe Looking Ahead: Paradigms, Schools, Needs and Achievements of Psychology in the SEE Region (SEERCP2009), Sofia, Bulgaria Update (February 2009) The South-East European Regional Conference of Psychology (SEERCP2009) is scheduled to be held in Sofia from 30…
Read MoreStellenbosch Congress Website Live
The website for the 2012 Stellenbosch, South Africa biennial Congress is now live. See
Read MoreMarshall Segall Named Honorary Fellow
Marshall Segall was names as an Honorary Fellow of IACCP at the 2010 Melbourne, Australia Congress. Marshall was not able to travel to Australian to accept his honor. The text of his citation follows: — Marshall Howard Segall is a pioneer in the study of the relationship between culture and behavior. As a student at…
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