Colleen Ward Becomes Honorary Fellow

Colleen Ward, Victoria University Wellington, became an Honorary Fellow of the IACCP at the 2014 Reims, France Congress. Her citation was written by John Berry:  Colleen Ward has had a long and distinguished career in the study of how culture influences the development of human behavior, and how those of differing cultural backgrounds relate to…

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2015 Dues Collection Underway

The Association is now collecting dues for 2015. Please pay your dues by January 9, 2015 so that you can continue receiving the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (JCCP) without interruption. All current members will receive the first and second 2015 issues of JCCP, but only those who have paid their dues through 2015 by January…

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IACCP Sponsored symposium at the APS 2015 conference, Amsterdam

Association for Psychology Science, International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-14 March, 2015) Integrative Science in the Study of Individuals in Their Cultural Context Chair: Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; North-West University, South Africa; and University of Queensland, Australia The symposium will provide a cutting-edge overview of integrative science…

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Call for Proposals for 2019 and 2020 conferences

IACCP invites proposals for hosting our 2019 regional conference and our 2020 international Congress. Please refer to the conference guidelines on the IACCP website at for details in preparing a preproposal.

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Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award

   INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY DIVISION (52) AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION   Announcement and Criteria   Ursula Gielen Ursula Gielen (1916-1997, Germany) was vitally interested in the well-being of indigenous, persecuted, and poor people around the world, with a special emphasis on women and children.  Her legacy and commitment to international concerns and human welfare continues through her…

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Shalom Schwartz Named Honorary Fellow

Shalom Schwartz was named an Honorary Fellow of IACCP at the 2010 Melbourne, Australia Congress.  The text of his citation follows: — Past-President Jim Georgas presents a framed copy of the Honorary Fellow citation to Shalom Schwartz” Past-President Jim Georgas presents a framed copy of the Honorary Fellow citation to Shalom Schwartz (click for larger…

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Harry Triandis Wins APA Book Award

Harry Triandis has won the American Psychological Association Division 1 2010 William James Book Award for his book, Fooling ourselves: Self-deception in politics, religion, and terrorism (Westport, CN: Praeger Publishers, 2009). Excerpt from the Selection Committee: Triandis, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been a leader in the study of cross-cultural psychology. In…

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Triandis Award Deadline October 31

The deadline for the Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award is October 31. If you have recently completed a dissertation, please consider applying for the award.  If one of your students has completed one, please encourage him or her to apply. Additional information on this website is here: Click on the attachment link for the…

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