New IACCP Constitution Approved

The membership approved the new IACCP Constitution in a referendum held in February and March 2011. The vote was 121 in favor with 6 abstentions.  The new Constitution provides for improved administrative processes, governance of JCCP and new IACCP publications such as Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, and Special Interest Groups. The Constitution is…

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Colleen Ward and Ron Fischer Win Awards

Colleen wins Public Contribution Award; Ron wins Otto Klineberg Award Colleen Ward was presented with the Public Contribution Award by Victoria University of Wellington as “a result of her connection with many people and groups throughout academia, government, and the community”.   See: Ron Fischer and Katja Hanke were given the 2010 Otto Klineberg Award by the Society…

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Call for Papers – JCCP Special Issue on Culture Competence

Among the applied goals of cross-cultural psychology is the promotion of effective psychological and behavioral functioning in cultural, multicultural, and transcultural contexts. We therefore are pleased to issue this call for papers that will be considered for inclusion in a special issue with the tentative title, Cross-Cultural  Competence.  We encourage the submission of manuscripts that…

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ARTS Set for 2012

The programme for ARTS 2012 is now finalised, and the Announcement and Call for Participation is about to be launched. Three seminars will be offered in South Africa. Seminar 1: Coping with the Strains of Globalization: Culturally Appropriate Methods for Research on Health and Wellbeing (Convenors: Sonia Suchday and Oscar Barbarin) Seminar 2: Analyses of…

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New ORPC Site Launched

IACCP and ORPC Editor Wolfgang Friedlmeier are pleased to announce the launching of a new website for the Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. The site is at a new URL: The site is now hosted on the Grand Valley State University website using technology supplied by the University of California’s BePress system. The switch…

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Summer Institute in Cultural Neuroscience

3rd Summer Institute in Cultural Neuroscience   July 9-20, 2012 Center for Culture, Mind, and the BrainUniversity of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan   Co-Directors: Shinobu Kitayama ( Yoon (  Application Deadline:  March 15, 2012 We invite you to apply to attend the third annual Summer Institute in Cultural Neuroscience at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.…

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IACCP PhD Winter School – Stellenbosch Congress

We are proud to present the IACCP PhD Winter School, the second instalment of a new program sponsored by IACCP. We held the first Regional PhD Summer School in Istanbul, Turkey during the last Regional Conference in 2011. It was a major success, with 40 students from all over the world interacting and planning research.…

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2012 Election Results

The results of the 2012 Election are in! Officers President-Elect: Patricia Greenfield, University of California-Los Angeles, USA Secretary General: Willliam Gabrenya, Florida Institute of Technology, USA Deputy Secretary General: David Sam, University of Bergen, Norway Treasurer (an appointed position): Sharon Glazer, Center for Advanced Study of Language, University of Maryland, USA Continuing Officers: Kwok Leung, Hong Kong,…

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