Husband of Former Secretary-General Josie Naidoo Passes Away

Dr. James Leslie, husband of IACCP Secretary-General Dr. Josie Naidoo (1994-1996), passed away in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on May 29, 2015. Jim was a physicist at the University of Waterloo. Harry Triandis escorted Josie to the altar in her 1964 wedding to Jim, as Josie’s parents were unable to travel from apartheid South Africa at…

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1000 Delegates Converge on Nagoya Congress

The largest conference in IACCP history begins on July 30 as about 1000 people open its 23rd Congress in Nagoya, Japan. The first keynote of the conference will be given by Edward Diener, ‚ÄúA Cross-Cultural View of Well-Being.‚Äù

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New Facebook Group

The IACCP now has two Facebook pages: “International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)” – for all IACCP members “IACCP Next Generation” – Sponsored by the IACCP Youth Group   Click HERE to check out the new facebook group for IACCP!  Join and help us add content, please! To join: Go to the group page, click…

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Culture & Psychology School Convenes in Japanese Alps

The 2016 IACCP Culture & Psychology School convened in the mountains north of Nagoya for three and a half days of intense instruction and discussion of theory and methods. The school was organized by Ron Fischer with the help of a committee appointed by IACCP and featured three prominent culturalists as instructors: Matt Easterbrook, University…

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Jim Georgas Passes Away in Athens

The sudden loss of Professor Emeritus Demetrios (James) Georgas on April 20, 2018 in Athens, Greece, leaves us all in deep sorrow. A pioneering figure in Greek Psychology, but also in the international Psychology community is no longer among us. James Georgas received his PhD from Loyola University of Chicago, Illinois, USA. Among many other…

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Association Transitions to New IT System and Website

The EC voted in Nagoya (2016) to fully professionalize its IT functions, turning development and maintenance of its website and membership systems over to a private company. A committee comprised of Fons van de Vijver, Marta Fulop, Sharon Glazer (replaced by the new Treasurer, Brigitte Armon) and Bill Gabrenya evaluated several vendors and technologies and…

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Warsaw 2017 Conference Submission Deadlines Extended to January 31

The deadline for abstract submission, set in the 2nd Announcement for December 31, 2016, will be moved to January 15 2017 January 31, 2017. Our intention is to provide an opportunity to all colleagues for whom the 2nd Announcement’s short notice made it difficult to complete their proposals by the end of this month.   …

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