Association Transitions to New IT System and Website

The EC voted in Nagoya (2016) to fully professionalize its IT functions, turning development and maintenance of its website and membership systems over to a private company. A committee comprised of Fons van de Vijver, Marta Fulop, Sharon Glazer (replaced by the new Treasurer, Brigitte Armon) and Bill Gabrenya evaluated several vendors and technologies and chose a web application called NeonCRM from Z2 Systems Inc. for this task. The transition is taking place in two phases.

Phase 1 is transitioning from our current membershp management system to an Association Management System (AMS) provided in NeonCRM. The transition was completed in time for use in collection of 2018 dues. The Neon AMS is considerably different from our old system and we expect some problems as we configure it and use it for the first time. All members will be required to create a new username and password to log into the new AMS. The URL to the new AMS is:

Phase 2 is converting our current website to a website platform developed by Z2 Systems. This phase will begin in February 2018 and will require several months of work to design the new website and move the content of the old website over to the new one. Until the new website is complete, the former integration of the membership system with the website will be compromised. Members will have two sets of login credentials, one for the old website and one for the new AMS. 

More news to come…

Bill Gabrenya

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