Member Publications
Mori-Joe – Exploring Magical Paths: A Reading Companion to Intercultural Learning and Personality Development
Author(s) Claude-Helene Mayer
2015, Waxmann Verlag GmbH
Tags Developmental, Social
| Pages 120 | ISBN 978-3830933793
This is a book about Mori-Joe and the cultural and spiritual journey she embarks on. After spending her formative years in Germany she moves to South Africa with her parents, where exci-
ting new worlds await her. Somehow these worlds are already un- cannily familiar to her. Her journey is told in the form of a didactic narrative. It is an amazing story on the one hand, on the other a biographical excerpt that has its roots in a set of profound cross- cultural scenarios. Mori-Joe’s story is based on David S. Hoopes’ cross-cultural personality development methodologies and cle- verly conceptualises this into a humorous and entertaining nar- rative. Found at the end of the story is a compact, scientific ‚”user guide‚” on intercultural personality development with select refe- rences to the literature that has been consulted on this subject.
The book has been written as a novel in a style that is both palata- ble to young people and adults alike, as it is to persons in a profes- sional context devoted to the subject of cross-cultural develop- ment and learning. It can be adopted by schools and universities as foundational material for an understanding of the subject, as well as for topics like psychobiography and anti-racism.