IACCP PhD Winter School – Stellenbosch Congress
We are proud to present the IACCP PhD Winter School, the second instalment of a new program sponsored by IACCP. We held the first Regional PhD Summer School in Istanbul, Turkey during the last Regional Conference in 2011. It was a major success, with 40 students from all over the world interacting and planning research. It has created a lot of momentum within IACCP. Our first batch of eager PhD Summer school kids engaged in stimulating and intense research discussions, with a good number of the groups coming up with really innovative and novel research. Some of the groups even managed to gather some data and present preliminary results during the two-day summer school! Some long-lasting friendships were built and these are nurtured through a thriving community on Facebook, which now boasts more than 100 members. Check them out at http://www.facebook.com/groups/iaccp.nextgeneration/. Some of the participants continue with their research plans that were first created during those fun two days in Istanbul. Check out the programme by clicking here
In this next instalment of a Winter School, we have managed to extend in size and format. We now have a stellar line up of internationally leading and emerging researchers, who will engage with students over a longer period of 4 days. This will undoubtedly lead to even more exciting learning opportunities with internationally leading experts, more time to engage with and plan novel research ideas, build networks for the future and last but not least, have a lot of fun with likeminded PhD students from around the world.
Our line-up of leaders is outstanding. Professors Colleen Ward (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) and David Sam (University of Bergen, Norway) will be co-chairing the Acculturation and Intercultural Relations Stream, Professor Xi Zou from the London Business School (UK) will be leading the Culture, Work and Organizations Stream, Dr Hiltrud Otto (University of Osnabrueck, Germany) will be chairing the Culture and Development Stream and Dr Ronald Fischer (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) will be in charge of the Culture, Well-Being and Societal Development Stream. We are also pleased to announce that through some generous grant from the Jacobs Foundation, we have additional financial support for participants of the Culture and Development Stream. New this year is also a component on publication of research in international journals.
To find out more and sign up, click here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Winter School Organizer, Dr Ronald Fischer at Ronald.Fischer@vuw.ac.nz