New ORPC Site Launched
IACCP and ORPC Editor Wolfgang Friedlmeier are pleased to announce the launching of a new website for the Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. The site is at a new URL:
The site is now hosted on the Grand Valley State University website using technology supplied by the University of California’s BePress system. The switch to Bepress as a provider and GVSU library as administrative mediator of the website has several advantages for the readers, contributors and editors:
- The articles can now easily be downloaded as pdf-files.
- An automatic submission and review system will facilitate the process of handling the submission and review of future manuscripts.
- The new submission system is based on a double-blind review which should help to guarantee high quality contributions.
- A commentary function for each paper allows discussion with the readers and to make the readings more interactive.
- We restructured the organization of the papers and revised the unit structure.
- We created a special section for Teaching of Psychology and Culture (unit 11), which aims to present specific ideas around teaching this topic for undergraduate and graduate students. Contributions to this new section are welcome.
- We have included a function about “most popular pages”
- The image gallery will rotate pictures and if you have interesting pictures, you can also contribute them.
- We have added new papers, e.g. about language and culture, implicit motives across cultures, autobiographical memory and culture.
- (Further new manuscripts will be published soon, e.g., about group processes, language and culture, regulatory focus.
- We have uploaded several updated versions of former contributions thanks to the readiness of many authors to work on such updated versions.
- You can sign up to get informed by email about new postings on the ORPC website through the RSS function
There are still several tasks to do:
- Each article will have a doi number (digital object identifier) in the near future which guarantees a robust access to the articles and also makes the citation easier.
- We are still getting updated versions of former contributions thanks to the readiness of many authors to work on such updated versions.
- We are still in the process of reformatting all articles according to a new template. This process will still continue for a couple of weeks.
- Finally, the editorial board just got started with the electronic submission process. We cannot exclude some glitches for the first applied reviews but we will try our best.
We would like to thank the GVSU library for taking over the costs for the website maintenance through BePress as well as the current and future costs for the doi numbers for the articles, and especially Jodi Tyron and Jacklyn Rander who helped a lot with the transition to this new website. The transition would not have been possible without this support.
We hope that you find the new website inspiring and useful for your research and teaching purposes and you may also consider to actively contributing to this website. We would also like to encourage your comments as well as suggestions for contributions.
Take a look at the new website ( ), explore it and sign up for information.
If you have any questions about the new website, please let me know.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Editor of ORPC