2014 Congress – Reims, France

The 22nd Congress of IACCP will be held in Reims, France, immediately following the International Congress of Applied Psychology in Paris. The organizer of the Congress is Christine Roland-L√©vy of the University of Reims. Please see the official Congress website at http://www.iaccp2014.com for additional information.

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2015 Dues Collection Underway

The Association is now collecting dues for 2015. Please pay your dues by January 9, 2015 so that you can continue receiving the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (JCCP) without interruption. All current members will receive the first and second 2015 issues of JCCP, but only those who have paid their dues through 2015 by January…

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Colleen Ward Becomes Honorary Fellow

Colleen Ward, Victoria University Wellington, became an Honorary Fellow of the IACCP at the 2014 Reims, France Congress. Her citation was written by John Berry:  Colleen Ward has had a long and distinguished career in the study of how culture influences the development of human behavior, and how those of differing cultural backgrounds relate to…

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2015 Regional Conference Set for Mexico 28-31 July

IACCP announced at its General Assembly on July 19 in Reims, France that it will hold its 2015 regional conference in San Crist√≥bol de la Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. The conference will take place July 28-31 with workshops and opening reception on July 28. The conference will be organized by Ashley Maynard. Ashley presented a Powerpoint…

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Ernest Eduard Boesch Dies at 98

Ernest Eduard Boesch, a giant in the development of cultural psychology (the Saarbruecken School of Cultural Psychology), died on Saturday, 12 July.  Born 26 December 2016, he was mentor to many, including Paul Baltes and Lutz Eckensberger.  In 1958 he organized a small international conference in Bangkok.  It was probably the first conference dealing with…

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Stellenbosch Congress Book Published

We are pleased to announce that the Stellenbosch Congress book, Toward Sustainable Development through Nurturing Diversity, edited by Leon Jackson, Deon Meiring, Fons van de Vijver, Erhabor Idemudia and William Gabrenya, is now available. The book includes 21 peer-reviewed chapters in five sections. It is published online in five formats for printing, reading on computer displays, and…

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Results of the 2014 Election of Officers and Regional Representatives

Following the conclusion of the 2014 election, we are pleased to welcome these new and returning members of the IACCP Executive Council: Officers: President-Elect: Fons van de Vijver, Netherlands Deputy Secretary-General (reelected): David Sam, Norway Regional Representatives: Europe Regional (seat 2) Representative: Aikaterini Gari, Greece Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Regional Representative (reelected):Alejandra del…

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IACCP Sponsored symposium at the APS 2015 conference, Amsterdam

Association for Psychology Science, International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands (12-14 March, 2015) Integrative Science in the Study of Individuals in Their Cultural Context Chair: Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Tilburg University, The Netherlands; North-West University, South Africa; and University of Queensland, Australia The symposium will provide a cutting-edge overview of integrative science…

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